
Archive for May, 2009|Monthly archive page

Easy Fresh Strawberry Pie

In Dessert on May 13, 2009 at 5:49 pm

Takes just a couple minutes to assemble.

Whip 2 containers mascarpone with 1/3 cup powdered sugar and 1 tsp vanilla.Clean and cut the stems off a carton of strawberries. Fill a store bought graham cracker crust with mascarpone, top with strawberries, placed cut side down.

Cheap Green Gift Ideas for Mother’s Day: Herb Cuttings

In Uncategorized on May 8, 2009 at 6:48 pm

The best gifts give you something as well, (and im not talking about the thanks)

First off start collecting glass bottles and jars.

Then go visit a friend with an herb garden, and ask if you can get cutting of their herbs (if you don’t grow your own).

Then place all the herbs in glass jars with water, indoors, and wait, they should start growing, if the jar is clean (no soapy residue that counts as well)

Once theres quite a bit of roots, at least 3 inches long, plant them.  Once you have a decent bunch growing you can cut again and start a second to give away, but let’s face it. That’s not happening, not if you’re a true zombie.

Instead, when you’re going to go, get cuttings, put them in old jars, label the jars with tape and a sharpe, and then place them in an old shoe box, or other sort of box. (If it’s a really ugly box, wrap it with gift wrap or the funnies, or just newspaper.) Include instructions on how to grow the herbs.

Best Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe

In Chocolate, Dessert on May 4, 2009 at 11:40 pm

1 1/3 cup flour

1/4 cup sugar

1/4 brown sugar

1/2 cup butter

1 tsp vanilla

1/2 tsp baking soda

3 tbsp honey

1 egg

1 cup chocolate chips

1/4 tsp salt

Mix the sugars and butter, add egg, van., and honey. Add remaining ingredients. Now for the great secrete to really good cookies, put the dough in the fridge for a couple of days. Bring them back up to room temp before baking (unuless you like thick cookies) and bake at 400 for 7 minutes.

These suckers burn quickly, take the 7 minutes seriously, more than 9 minutes and youll be busy scraping bottoms.

Kitchen Sink Gucamole for Instant Gratification

In Appetizer on May 1, 2009 at 12:53 am

3 ripened avocados, shell-less

1 little tomato, chopped

1 onion, chopped fine

1 jalapeno, chopped really small

1 small bunch cilantro, chopped

1 lime, juiced

3 garlic cloves, mashed

1 tsp cumin


Mix it all together, if you under mix the avocados will be chunky, over mix and it will be  smoother.

Eat with chips, or make a quesadilla, top with guc and then sour cream, then slice.